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B2B Marketing & Sales Innovation Expo 2024


Clicks to Conversations: Humanising Demand Generation with an Interactive Q&A

28 Nov 2024
AI & Automation , Brand & Communication Strategy , Digital Marketing

In an age dominated by data and digital touchpoints, the human element in demand generation often takes a backseat. Yet, the key to successful marketing lies in the synergy between technology and authentic human interactions. Join us as we examine the role of personal connections in a tech-driven marketing landscape. Understand how to craft campaigns that not only attract clicks but also foster meaningful conversations. This seminar kicks off with a brief talk, followed by an open-floor Ask Me Anything, where your questions will steer the dialogue.

Key Takeaways:

  • Humanise your B2B demand generation
  • Create campaigns that foster genuine conversations
  • Maintain authenticity in the AI-driven age
  • Utilise high intent data to drive personalised, human-centric engagement
  • Avoid common demand generation pitfalls
Will Smibert, CEO - Mixology Digital